Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Wound Update: 7th June Also last Post Until I return From Crete! On the 16th June!

Well the sun has got his hat on today!  16 deg C, Wow! This is unheard of this year so far! But the most important thing is, Gracie`s wound has got a good crust on, although it cracks in a few places,(to be expected)  it is on the mend.

wound 2 004

wound 2 006

wound 2 005

This last shot really shows the extent of the wound. However, this is better than it was. The Coronet band is visible, and so is the large lump to the right of the hoof wall. I have been putting a cream called “Flamazine” on, not Flamazole! As I have previously stated.  There are no flies at the moment, so all is going well.  Thank you all who have expressed their thoughts.


  1. Glad the wound is improving - hope the healing continues to progress well.

    Crete! Have fun!

  2. OUCH, I feel it just looking at it. So glad it's on the mend.

  3. Enjoy the sunshine in Crete! Glad to see that Gracie is improving!

  4. Ouchy, glad she is on the mend, it sure does look better already. Have a good trip!

  5. Finally made it back here, don't really like the Wordpress reader system, and when I don't like something I don't use it much. Sorry to read about your Gracie getting hurt, but it looks like it's on the mend. Hope you have someone to look after her while you are gone- have a wonderful trip!

    1. Hi Shirley! Glad your back, yes its been a bit sore for her. Yes we have a good friend, really good! She will be applying the cream, and looking after all the horses.

      Its is our sole intention, to get as much sun and sea, sand and whatever, while we can! Lol

  6. Howdy Cheyenne. Glad Gracie's healing. Question for you Pard, if this is your last post till June what are you doing in the meantime, other than eying my whiskey?

    1. No i`ll post upto and when I go! Your whisky`s safe friend, Duty free!!
