Thursday, August 18, 2011

Evening Feed.


How many heads can you squeeze into this trough! Barney Sunny and Bob.

Evening feed Aug 2011 015

Sunny and her leg shake!  Why is that?

Evening feed Aug 2011 008

“I`ve got the bucket!”  Wally.

Evening feed Aug 2011 010


Finally, we get to Bob and Barney, “gan on yer sel son!”

Evening feed Aug 2011 004

Gracie needless to say had her own trough, no one to go near it, and all for herself!


  1. Very important business, that eating.
    By the way, love your header photo.

  2. We call it the Happy Dance. Sunny is so excited to eat grain food!! that she can't stand still. She has to dance!

  3. Funder? Thats what I`ll call it from now on!

  4. Can I just have Sunny? Thanks!

  5. Flag does the leg lift and wave around in a circle. We think it is because he wants to paw out of the excitement of yummy food, but was taught pawing is a no-no. So he lifts, and waves. ;p;

  6. Nice to see the horses all sharing ....and enjoyed the pictures of all the horses having their feet trimmed. They all look like they behaved for your farrier.

  7. Thanks Sally, they really do. I`ve always strived to have the horses well behaved for any one, but this chap has a way with him!

  8. FABULOUS header...turly a very cool shot of you and your that marker post.

    Look at behaved and civil. Gracie gets her own cause she may not share, huh.

    Love the single spots on that Sunny mare. She is so pleased with her grain, she is showing you! It's kinda like us, raising a hand to the air in pleasure...she is raising her hoof-in pleasure! We had a TB mare that did that too, along time ago..good ol' Bunny!

  9. Hi! AHS, Thanks, it was taken by a lovely lady. Welsh by Nationality, and Nic, by name, cute and sassy! The m\rker post is for the long distance walkers, it on the "Pennine Way"(google it?)
    Gracie gets her own, `cos she def! wont share! mean an` moody, trouble is, she is a real good horse, not ok, but real good!

    Sunny, the white mare with the black spots? 2 yrs and 4 months old. She really loves her food!

  10. Haha good for her, some girls just need buckets for themselfs! ;-)

    Classic would be so jealous!


  11. Hi Leontien!! Hope you are feeling ok? Thanks for that, yes some girls do need the bucket to themselves!!!Lol.

  12. Poor Wally! He's relegated to a little bucket. Go hug him for me :)

  13. Hi Amber! Already done it!Lol!

  14. Dunno what you're feeding them, but they sure do seem to like it.

  15. Sometimes Patsy, I put three pints of Guiness into the feed mix! The do love it, and there coats do shine!

    It also has iron, and between you and me, (shh!) (I have a can too!)

  16. Hawk does the Happy Dance too! Great post!

  17. I had an Appy/Paint cross mare that used to lift her front leg up and bow her head in what we called her "beg" at feeding time. I always thought it was cute. Your Sunny is very cute :)
